

Holy Communion: Sundays at 10:30am

Evening Prayer and Dinner: 6:30 p.m., 2nd and Last Wednesdays of the Month

Note: Please call the church office at 513-573-0509 to confirm specials service dates and times. 

As anglicans, our spirituality is formed by worship.  We believe that worship is foundational to who we are as Christians, and as human beings.  We therefore seek to be a community that worships God in Spirit and Truth.

We worship according to the Biblical and historic Book of Common Prayer.  This means that we seek to be formed by prayer, specifically the daily disciplines of Morning and Evening Prayer.  We also seek to devote ourselves to the daily reading of God’s Word.

We are a liturgical church. This does not mean we devalue or demean personal or private prayer; on the contrary, our private prayers are to be formed by the liturgy.

Our spirituality is formed by the Sacraments, particularly Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  We celebrate Holy Communion weekly.  All who have been baptized in Christ’s Church are welcome to the Table.

Our spirituality is reflected in loving acts of service to each other as the Body of Christ, and to the world.